
Musings over the years…

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To Listen:

Re-imagining Leadership - a short podcast on how we create a world where all can thrive and the shifts I feel are needed personally, in business and our economy

40 Under 40 Panel Discussion - a candid panel discussion on the future of work, thriving careers with reflections from our own career journeys with 2 other alumni as part of the University of Auckland’s 40 Under 40 Alumni spotlight.

Emerging Leadership Education - a short presentation as part of the TransTasman Regen Roundtable on the systems leadership approach developed by the Emerge Institute and how it can support leadership development

Podcast - Levers of Exchange - an interview with Jimmy Jia, on topics spanning cultural perspectives on climate, systems change and personal career and impact journey

Radio Interview on Davos 2020 - reflections on World Economic Forum experience and hearing live from Greta Thunberg, Donald Trump among others.

i am you and you are me - a poem on our relationship and interbeing with trees and all life.

To Watch - Inspiration:

UNESCO Talk - a short talk as part of UNESCO’s Global Citizenship Ideas Exchange on the approach Emerge Institute takes to building global citizenship capacities in changemakers

Impactful Careers - short reflections on what it means and how to create an ‘impactful career’ - balancing stillness and ambition, being, doing and thinking, the importance of self reflection among other aspects

Davos 2020 Panel - panel discussion from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 on “Planting a Better Future”. Joined by 3 inspiring youth leaders, moderated by Vas Narasimhan, CEO of Novartis

Nature is our Best Teacher - a short video reflecting on Nature as one of our greatest teachers, as part of Guru Purnima, a festival honouring our Gurus or teachers in life.

Mental Mastery - a short talk on navigating and managing the mind in our journey to wellbeing, as part of the Tamil Association Launch of the Women’s Wellbeing Programme

Redefining Success - most of us are too busy climbing the ladder that we get to the top realsiing it was leaning against the wrong wall. A talk on redefining purpose at the individual and firm level to Mars Corporation staff

TEDx Talk - Travelling on Trash - a glimpse into the back story, vision and journey of the Plastic Bottle Kayak Expedition

Plastic Bottle Kayak Short Film - an award-winning short film on a project where we travelled down a section of one of New Zealand’s largest rivers on kayaks pade of plastic bottles, raising awareness on plastic pollution and sustainable living. Filmed and edited by Seung-Woo Hong

To Watch - Learning:

Climate Reset Panel - a panel discussion on rewriting narratives around our relationship to the environment as part of “Systems Week” hosted by the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Oxford

Self Reflection Webinar - webinar introducing a range of self reflection practices to increase self awareness, personal effectiveness and general contentment and wellbeing.

Time Management Webinar - tips, frameworks and approaches to managing our time and prioritising what matters

Aotearoa Conversations Masterclass - a masterclass on the topic “Dismantling and decolonising ourselves for deep system change” as part of Aotearoa Conversations, a parallel event to Social Enterprise World Forum 2020 designed for a New Zealand audience

To Read:

Ego to Eco-Centric Leadership - a short article written for the World Economic Forum ahead of the Annual Meeting in Davos 2020 on the need to cultivate eco-centric leadership to safeguard our planet

Reflections on Davos 2020 - a short article for the Spinoff covering reflections from attending the World EConomic Forum Annual Meeting and the unique leadership potential NZ carries on the global stage

10 life lessons imbibed from my patti (grandma) during the “pandemic year” - self explanatory - much appreciation to patti for her inspiration behind this

Dedicated yet detached - reflections on the inspiring attitude Sunil Senani has taken on his unconventional and meaningful career and life journey

Cultivating the soil before growing the plant - reflections on the importance of and ways in which we can create strong foundations

Experiments on ourselves - how cultivating an experimental mindset can help us in changing habits, behaviours, ways of being

What i’m loving about waste - learnings and a call to explore composting - it is lifechanging!

Befriending self-doubt - on how we can reframe narratives around self-doubt and welcoming it as a useful friend in our journey of personal growth

You must drop the rocks to receive the diamonds - the scary and exciting work of letting go before we can receive new opportunities, news ideas, new wisdom

Know your priorities but focus on giving rather than taking - reflections from early days during my MBA at Oxford and the importance of cultivating a mindset of giving in a culture of taking

Human-doing or human-being? - accepting oneself as enough regardless of how much one “does”

Saying no to others = saying yes to yourself - on prioritising what really matters to us

What I learnt from 10 days of absolute silence - a life changing experience at my first Vipassana Meditation retreat - a glimpse into a few learnings here

Shark tales: who is the real victim? - that time I swam with sharks to raise awareness of their plight…

It’s all in our heads - on how we can work through limiting self-beliefs

Seeing with new eyes - a story obout one of the most inspiring humans I have ever met — no spoilers, you must read on..