Awaken the Fire: Women Changemakers Retreat


Kia ora beautiful human,

The times we are live in are challenging. Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually - in all senses. Speaking personally, these last few years for me have been some of the most challenging of my life - facing dark parts of myself, confronting deep inner wounds and pain, seeing and holding the immense suffering happening to people near and far, and to our Mother Earth.

As women, we hold so much of the medicine of what our world needs. Our softness, gentleness, compassion - as well as our power, strength and courage are the needs of the hour. At a time where we cannot turn to political or societal leaders to guide us, it is more important than ever that we step into our own power, awaken the inner fire, the Shakti within us for ourselves, for our families and communities and for the world at large. 

This June, we open this invitation and invite women, of all ages, backgrounds to come together for a weekend of nourishment and support. We invite you to a space where:

  • you can come as yourself, your whole self and be met, accepted and appreciated as you are;

  • you can be seen in your magnificence and leave seeing more of that in yourself too;

  • you feel supported to to tune into your dreams, hopes, desires and feel nurtured in them;

  • you can let go of old narratives and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you;

  • you get to laugh, play, and have fun;

  • you experience communion and connection with other women, walking the journey alongside you. 

You are magnificent, and we hope to fan the flames together, and awaken our fires, just a little more. 

We hosted a retreat with this intention in April, and received such beautiful feedback, and tuning into the need for such spaces in our community for women to connect, support each other and grow together, we have created another gathering in June for around 20 women! I’m also very excited (and honoured) to be collaborating this time with the wonderful Serena Lal (founder of Sevā CoLab) in hosting Awaken the Fire!

The logistics

Date and time: 3pm Friday 7th June till 3pm on Sunday 9th June.

Location: Sharda Retreat Centre, 15 Percy Graham Drive, Tuakau, 2121 (about 45 minutes south of Auckland city). 

The agenda: will include guided workshops to help you heal, grow, step into your power, rest, being in Nature, space for you to share your gifts, play and creative expression and lots of authentic connection with others. It will be fluid, adapting to the needs of the group.

Price: The cost per person to run the retreat is $570. This covers 2 nights accommodation, venue hire, all meals and catering as well as programme costs. We’re trialling a pay what you can model and invite you to share how much you can or are willing to put forward.

We endeavour to make this space as accessible as possible. If cost is a barrier, please share what you can afford, and we also welcome contributions over 570 from those who have means to, to support our sisters who otherwise could not access this space. Our aim to is to collectively offer at least 3 scholarships/subsidised places.

If you wish to join please fill out this quick Expression of Interest form by 12pm Friday May 10.

We’ll be in touch shortly after this date with more details and to confirm your place.

Finally, a few words from women who joined our last retreat:

The weekend was magical, cup-filling, raw, honest and vulnerable; it held space for all of my humanity, for all of our humanity, and for all of my magnificence, for all of our magnificence. Everyone's gifts were celebrated, and I left the retreat feeling so empowered, from the wonderful affirmation and validation of being seen, accepted and loved exactly as I am in a messy and challenging season by this group of incredible wāhine.
- Laura Bee Rita Wilson, poet, writer, truth teller, philosopher

The recent retreat, facilitated by the remarkable Shruthi, was a profound experience designed to celebrate and acknowledge our individual and collective magnificence. I left feeling reinvigorated, deeply grateful, and inspired by the extraordinary group of women present. The retreat provided a nurturing and open environment where kindness and care were at the forefront. This supportive atmosphere enabled me to explore and better understand myself and my dynamics with other women in empowering and reaffirming ways. The integration of diverse talents, ranging from singing and poetry to bodywork, enriched my experience, making it a joyful and healing two days. 
- Alice Marsh, animal lover, compassion in action, changemaker

I really loved the retreat and the opportunity to spend time with such a beautiful group of people. I went away felt so inspired, held, and nurtured. There is so much power in being seen as who I am, where I am, and seeing others as who they are, where they are - and how cool we got to celebrate all of these together. The weekend brought me a lot of hope and joy; reflections on the work I want to do and my relationships; greater openness that allows for emotions, healing, love, and deep connections. So appreciative of you Shruthi for holding the space with so much care and intention, and of everyone for doing the same for each other.
- Lei Gu, sage, impact consultant, deepest listener

This retreat was something special, offering a haven to receive and learn from fellow wāhine in a welcoming atmosphere, where authenticity thrived. I cherished the blend of growth, tenderness, and joy. The affirmation and celebration of my strengths by fellow attendees bolstered my confidence and helped me rethink my own self limitations. This experience was both beautiful and nurturing, providing a space where we felt free to voice our inner truths and needs while also cultivating a community of mutual support and nourishment.
- Serena Lal, innovator, community healer, best lasagna maker 

The retreat was the most beautiful sacred experience, something I didn't realise I needed - to have such deep connection time with such wonderful women!
- Tui Williams, healer, creator, therapist, proud dog mum

I went with an open heart, with no expectations, and the time together was exactly what I needed..we decided as a group, with clear guidance from Shruthi and it felt right, good, and beautiful. Can't wait for more of these spaces.
- Paula Neme, maté lover, organiser extraordinaire, warm as the sun

Much love and looking forward to connecting soon,

p.s. we endeavour to make this a welcome and safe space for anyone who identifies as a woman, acknowledging the fluidities of gender